Signatures Singulières magazine is passionate about people who’ve got talent, and the painter Yoann Merienne does not lack it.
Born in 1987 in Sallanches, Yoann Merienne lives and works in Lyon. The painted artist since his youngest childhood and received the gold medal of the international artistic contest of Wallonie. Yoann Merienne graduated in Industrial design in 2009 before moving to Australia for a year. He came back with a strong will of painting. His attention to detail, his drawing’s intensity and the set of lights and shadows he knows perfectly how to use are some of his most faithful characteristics.

Yoann Merienne’s universe
His universe is full of warriors, knights, nomadics and also explorers. From their forgotten world, they come back in different shades of grey for a disturbing and quiet confrontation. Yoann Merienne’s characters have the sculptural strength of the strongest fighters. Modern-day heroes, survivors of another world from another time, they come back as envoys. Strangely, every canvas brings out a kind of wisdom and a silence favorable for reflexion.
Yoann Merienne’s characters make the History persist. They represent a path and an experience. Yoann Merienne is an explorer. He thrives on dreams, strange worlds and myths. Whatever the shape chosen, the painter has a contemplative look upon the world and people. Towards these heroes he gives an invitation out of time to meditate on the meaning of life. Yoann Merienne’s work is permanently exposed in the Gallery Bayart.
Galerie Bayart
17, rue des Beaux-Arts
75006 Paris
Tél. : +33 (0)9 83 30 60 55