Legal Notices


The present Terms and Conditions apply to all content and services accessible from the site located at the address This version cancels and replaces all previous versions.


The website available at (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is published by Miguel Duterrier Editions.

Head office address: 99, rue du 19 Janvier – 92380 Garches.

Responsible for publication

Name: Miguel Duterrier

E-mail address:


Planet Hoster

Content and use of information

Signatures Singulières Magazine is a registered French trademark.

All content, pages, scripts, graphics, photographs and icons on the Site are the exclusive property of Signatures Singulières Magazine. All rights to the site must be fully assigned to Signatures Singulières Magazine or to third parties having authorized Signatures Singulières Magazine to use them. All rights of reproduction or representation are strictly reserved.

Consequently, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, partial or complete, of the Site or its elements, by any process and on any support whatsoever (paper, digital, …) are prohibited, without the prior written authorization of Signatures Singulières Magazine under penalty of constituting in particular an infringement of copyright and/or designs and models and/or trademark.

Logos, trademarks and icons relating to all other companies and products mentioned on the Site are the respective property of their authors and/or owners.

All texts, photos, videos and any other material published on the site have been validated by the brand that benefits from the online presence. Miguel Duterrier Editions, publishers of Signatures Singulières, cannot be held responsible for any fraudulent use. In such cases, the injured party must contact the brand benefiting from the article and settle the dispute with them.


Signatures Singulières Magazine declines all responsibility for the content of sites referenced on the Site and for information provided by third parties.

Signatures Singulières Magazine has no control over these hypertext links and/or other promotional formats.

Consequently, we make no warranty of any kind with respect to :

– the accuracy, quality, completeness and exhaustiveness of the content of the indexed websites;

– difficulties in accessing and operating indexed websites;

and cannot be held liable in the event of a dispute arising between a website indexed on the Site and one of its visitors, in particular for any loss or damage suffered, since the operators of indexed websites are solely responsible for the content of their site.

Personal data protection

Purposes of processing

In order to operate the Site, Signatures Singulières Magazine collects information (such as first name, last name, address) concerning visitors.

This information is required to subscribe to the newsletter.

The data collected is confidential.

The Site complies with current French and European legislation on the protection of privacy and personal data, and the automated processing of personal data collected on the Site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under number 1746623.

Signatures Singulières Magazine is committed to respecting the privacy of its visitors and protecting the information they provide.

Data transmission

Signatures Singulières Magazine may pass on the data collected to partners for prospecting purposes. The latter are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the information provided and are subject to confidentiality policies that protect data from being passed on to third parties.

Access and rectification of personal data and right to object

Visitors are entitled to access and rectify any personal information they may provide to Signatures Singulières Magazine, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended in 2004.

They can also :

cancel their subscription to the Site at no cost, apart from those associated with the transmission of the request, to the Site by writing to the following address: Signatures Singulières Magazine – 99, rue du 19 Janvier – 92380 Garches – France

object to the processing of their personal data at no cost, apart from the cost of transmitting the objection, by writing to the following e-mail address:

In addition, visitors who subscribe to information services by electronic mail (“newsletter”) may request that they no longer receive such mailings. They may exercise this right by contacting Signatures Singulières Magazine at the addresses given above.


Applicable law

The Site is governed by French law.

This site is registered on as a development site.