Alain Ellouz Gallery,
Stepping into the Light

Attention art enthusiasts: Alain Ellouz Gallery takes on the appearance of a museum with its first exhibition of alabaster works enhanced by the drawings of artist Caroline Leite. Alternating between a stone jeweler and a light scenographer, Alain Ellouz astounds us with his exceptional alabaster creations. Since 2005, his workshops have been producing minimalist and refined design luminaires whose light reveals the textures, patterns, and natural color nuances trapped within their mineral stone. A living tableau that creates a captivating visual and sensory experience! Recognizing the artistic dimension of his craftsmanship, Alain Ellouz has been inviting artists to explore alabaster for the past two years, as evidenced by the current exhibition “Natures Minérales” at the eponymous gallery. The editorial team of Signatures Singulières Magazine has already had the chance to discover it…

Above: Alain Ellouz. On the right: ideally located in front of Pont Neuf, Gallery Alain Ellouz blends alabaster art and design in a historic setting. Sculpted work “La Forêt Silencieuse” by Caroline Leite. Alta suspension, Atelier Alain Ellouz.

Top: entrance to Alain Ellouz Gallery. On the right: MY wall lamp and Alix 24 suspension. On the left: DOMINO wall lamp, all from the Atelier collection. In the center and below: alabaster suspension “LIBERTY.”

The Power of Alabaster

A visionary, Alain Ellouz was the first to recognize the intrinsic and inspiring richness of alabaster. While some may see it as a seemingly ordinary material, the stone sculptor sees it as possessing a magical and vibrational power. He began by inventing a new art form that incorporates the traditions, codes, and requirements of the great French luxury houses. With a single goal: to reveal the hidden treasures of alabaster in daring luminous creations. A successful gamble! In the hands of Alain Ellouz, luminaires rise to the status of works of art. To the extent that his exceptional creations have caught the attention of the greatest designers and the most luxurious brands.

Two spaces are dedicated to artistic alabaster works. Here, the first monographic artistic exhibition, “Natures Minérales” by visual artist Caroline Leite. Until November 2023.
Limited edition works signed by Caroline Leite.

Gallery Alain Ellouz, an Exceptional Setting

Alain Ellouz Gallery has chosen the former church of the Couvent des Grands-Augustins as its home. In the heart of this historically imbued place, art, design, and typically Parisian architecture merge. In various scenographies, each luminous composition reveals the purity and mineral essence of alabaster. Another way to encounter, discover, feel, or touch this unexpected mineral stone! All it takes is crossing the door at 55 Quai des Grands-Augustins in the 6th arrondissement of Paris to immerse oneself in a state of wonder and serenity. A timeless interlude to fill one’s eyes with wonder.

The SUMATRA pendants, variations on the cylinder theme, create a horizontal composition that structures the space. Small pendants and ICONIC wall lamps. Furniture by Caroline Andréoni – La Maison.

Alabaster in All Its Forms

For the past two years, Alain Ellouz has chosen to explore a new playground: that of art. His luminous sculptures relentlessly pursue the quest for beauty. To explore these new aesthetic horizons, the artisan invites artists to appropriate alabaster even further to enhance its beauty. Thus, after the concept of alabaster canvas in collaboration with artists Bernard Pourchet and Alistair Danhieux, Alain Ellouz Gallery is proud to host the “Natures Minérales” exhibition by Caroline Leite. In the manner of ancient engravings, this multidisciplinary visual artist has indelibly tattooed the iconic luminaires of Atelier Alain Ellouz. The result? A limited series of unique works that reveal the majestic details of a tree trunk, delicate branches, or Paradise birds. An dreamlike exhibition that the editorial team of Signatures Singulières Magazine recommends not to miss.

The ODDA luminaire is characterized by the balance of its elongated forms and its minimalist graphic appearance. On the wall, MISO wall lamps in alabaster and polished brass. Photographic work “Contre et Rencontres” by Christel Martin. Furniture by Caroline Andréoni – La Maison.
The entire poetry of INFINITY ILLUSION is revealed in this vaulted space. This versatile luminaire moves through space in a very fluid and weightless rhythm. Depending on the angle from which it is viewed, a new random configuration appears, subject to various interpretations, a true optical illusion. GAMA and CLYDE table lamps.
ALTA suspension. Composition of LUNA, Atelier Alain Ellouz.
Alabaster vases signed by Alistair Danhieux.


©Gentle Mania

Galerie Alain Ellouz
55 quai des Grands-Augustins
75006 Paris
Tél. : +33 (0)1 73 95 03 23

Du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h.

signatures singulieresatelieralainellouz

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